Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Pointy Sticks Podcast

A new knitting podcast has hit cyberspace. Christine from Houston, Texas has just released her first knitting podcast called Pointy Sticks.

The first episode of the podcast discusses other knitting podcast including KnitCast, Fibercast, About-Time, and my very own Knitting News Cast. Christine talks about her knitting inspiration and celebrating her one year "Knitiversary". Several of her current projects are discusses, ss well as news on the Knitting Olympics. The podcast has several great tunes in it.

Overall, I enjoyed Christine's podcast and look forward to hearing more from her in the future.

Knitting Podcasters Unite!


Stacy said...

Rhonda, your link to has a few too many http's. Thought you might like to know. Thanks for the head's up on the new podcast. I love your podcast, btw. keep it up!

Christine said...

Oh! Stacy is right - there is an extra http://www in the middle there.

Thank you *so* much for taking the time to listen! And for spreading the linky-love! Knitting podcasters - UNITE!