Sunday, June 04, 2006

After Pictures of Alpaca

Coco before and Carmel After
Coco After
Carmel After

Ah, don't they just look pitiful? But cute too.

Both Carmel and Coco put up fight when they were getting sheared. But Billy and Sherry were real good with them and kept them mostly calm.

They had to give up on Coco because he was so upset. He bayed just like a horse. It sounded awful. So he looks a little raggedy.

Billy says the fleece we got off of them isn't worth much. Coco's was much softer and prettier then Carmel's. But Fay and I are thinking we can still can do something with it. But Bucky just wants to throw it away. Hope that doesn't happen.

Next year should be better. Hopefully, we'll have gotten them more used to us. And they'll trust us better when they get sheared. Posted by Picasa

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